90 Day WILDFIT Challenge | Self Study

In your own steps, to suit your personal timetable.

Start date is the Monday of your choice! As you watch the WILDFIT videos and apply the lessons into your life, I am available to answer questions and offer coaching support. You can email me or message me as needed throughout the 90 days. This is a great option if you prefer to do things alone and enjoy your privacy. If you are a self-starter and can keep yourself accountable, then this is a good choice for you.


Before signing up I offer one complimentary 1 to 1 call to answer any questions valued at $75.


Self Study priced at $895.


Contact me if you’d love to get WILDFIT but require a partial scholarship.

Start date is the Monday of your choice.


Additional Coaching Packages



1 Additional Session – $75 USD

4 Additional Sessions – $300 USD

6 Additional Sessions – $450 USD

10 Additional Sessions – $750 USD

Self Study – $895.00


1 Additional Hour – $75


4 Additional Hours – $300


6 Additional Hours – $450


10 Additional Hours – $750
